Saturday, 27 April 2013


... military parade and colour presentation honouring those who
fought in the Battle of York, April 27, 1813


.... thanks to a project Lisa Kendall and I worked on - I know exactly what this officer is carrying under his arm .... pace stick …. a long stick usually carried by non-commissioned officer dill instructors in the British and Commonwealth armed forces ...* 

(... is anyone else beginning to get the impression
that Vi just likes a man in uniform ...... ?)
(..... or at the very least, a man in a posh military hat ......!)
Next posting
The City of Toronto's celebration commemorating the bicentennial of
the "Battle of York" continues at Fort York ... 
*A pace stick …. consists of two pieces of wood, hinged at the top, and tapering towards the bottom.  The stick opens so that the tips separate at fixed distances, corresponding to various lengths of marching pace, such as "double march", "quick march", "step short", etc. When opened to the correct pace length, the pace stick can be held alongside the holder's body by the hinge, with one leg of the stick vertical to the ground, and the other leg pointing forward. By twirling the stick while marching, the stick can be made to "walk" alongside its holder at the proper pace.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

... in remembrance of a spring that is yet to be!!!

(all photos taken over the past two summers in
the garden at the Festival Theatre, Stratford)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

.... ever wonder what's inside the the U of T's "Department of Household Science" building at Bloor and Queen's Park Circle (right across from the ROM) ....

I got inside with a ROM's member tour ... image my surprise to discover the Lilllian Massey Treble stained glass windows (Massey - as in Massey-Harris tractors, Massey Hall, etc., etc., )

... I wish my shots were ``brighter``, but the staircase and windows back up against the Gap store (east), so not a lot of light comes through.  I`ve snuck back into the building a couple of times now, dodging security, trying to get some better shots ... but no luck (co-incidentally, the U of T`s university advancement offices are in this building!)  It was just such a hoot to find these beautiful windows in a building I`ve passed by for years !!!!  That said, if I`m ever passing the building again, and the sun is shining .....