Sunday, 26 May 2013

Open Doors Toronto
Sunday, May 26, 2013

.... 13 buildings, 154 photos, two battery packs ....

The Elephant and Castle - Yonge and Gerrard

.. photo of a photo of the original banking floor ..


Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

 Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute - St. Michael's Hospital

Church of the Holy Trinity

 One King Street West, Hotel and Residence (Dominion Bank Building)

..the banking hall is now a conference centre ..

.. the vault is now a private dining room ..

.. the Chairman's boardroom is now a conference and meeting room ...
Commerce Court North

(difficult to tell from the next two photos, but these panels are part of the
brass engravings on the elevator doors)

.... then I burned out my second battery pack!!!!
.. the Arts and Letters Club and Old City Hall didn't permit any indoor photography (buildings 7 and 8)
.... I didn't have to darken the door steps of the Mattamy Athletics Centre and the Ryerson Image Centre (buildings 9 and 10)
... Massey Tower Presentation Centre - 197 Yonge Street was really just a condo sales centre masquerading as an Open Doors venue (building 11)
... and the line-ups at the CityTV and Omni Television Studios and the Dineen Building (140 Yonge Street) were too long!  (buildings 12 and 13)

.. so everyone count their lucky stars! 
And then run for the hills, 'cause I picked up the southern Ontario Open Doors schedule - 42 towns and cities in all !!!!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

... for those of you who are living vicariously
through Vi's wild life .......

.... the double crested cormorant from a couple of weeks ago ....
.... a turkey vulture drying it's wings in the sun (I admit, I tweaked this photo a tad.  I was shooting straight up into the canopy on one of those overcast, rainy days last week....)

... and this little guy this morning - a Virginia Opossum
... and as I mentioned to Linda, last week, I almost literally tripped over the residence Riverwood coyote.  Unfortunately, no photos, mainly because by the time I processed exactly what was bobbing and weaving through the underbrush, he had bobbed and weaved out of sight.  (Actually, my first thought when I saw this shape through the brush was "what idiot has let their German Shepherd off-leash").
Happy long weekend, everyone!!!!  Get to the LCBO before the picket lines go up!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

.... and the "Battle of York" continues at Fort York ...

(full marks to all of the reenactors!  It was sweltering hot on that
 exposed parade ground inside Fort York!)

... now tell me that the opening lines of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice"
have not just popped into you head!!!!
("It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a
good fortune must be in want of a wife.")
... and to round off this week's posting ... more military men in posh hats!