Tuesday, 9 April 2013

.... ever wonder what's inside the the U of T's "Department of Household Science" building at Bloor and Queen's Park Circle (right across from the ROM) ....

I got inside with a ROM's member tour ... image my surprise to discover the Lilllian Massey Treble stained glass windows (Massey - as in Massey-Harris tractors, Massey Hall, etc., etc., )

... I wish my shots were ``brighter``, but the staircase and windows back up against the Gap store (east), so not a lot of light comes through.  I`ve snuck back into the building a couple of times now, dodging security, trying to get some better shots ... but no luck (co-incidentally, the U of T`s university advancement offices are in this building!)  It was just such a hoot to find these beautiful windows in a building I`ve passed by for years !!!!  That said, if I`m ever passing the building again, and the sun is shining .....