Thursday, 16 May 2013

... for those of you who are living vicariously
through Vi's wild life .......

.... the double crested cormorant from a couple of weeks ago ....
.... a turkey vulture drying it's wings in the sun (I admit, I tweaked this photo a tad.  I was shooting straight up into the canopy on one of those overcast, rainy days last week....)

... and this little guy this morning - a Virginia Opossum
... and as I mentioned to Linda, last week, I almost literally tripped over the residence Riverwood coyote.  Unfortunately, no photos, mainly because by the time I processed exactly what was bobbing and weaving through the underbrush, he had bobbed and weaved out of sight.  (Actually, my first thought when I saw this shape through the brush was "what idiot has let their German Shepherd off-leash").
Happy long weekend, everyone!!!!  Get to the LCBO before the picket lines go up!