Sunday 28 August 2016

Bacon, Beer & Cider Festival!!!

(I don't make this stuff up, people!)

... five micro-breweries on site ...Brock Street Brewery 
offered the best tasting menu.

... three cider breweries on site ... raspberry cider slushies -
just the thing on a hot, humid afternoon!

... unfortunately, the smoked bacon wrapped onion rings sold out on us ...

... bacon wrapped poutine .... really, are there words?

... note the slice of bacon neatly tucked between the graham crackers 
(and there is dark chocolate and marshmallow hiding in there as well!)

...  bacon butter tart with chocolate caramel sauce and a sprig of mint....

... baked potato pizza with bacon and drizzle of sour cream .....
... with a side of cheddar cheese and bacon soup ....

... everything was yummy!

... here's to next year!! Cheers!