The TELUS Health Brain Project
“…. is a large-scale outdoor exhibit that brings brain
health, art and imagination
to the streets of Toronto. In 2016,
The TELUS Health Brain Project launched
its inaugural exhibit across the
city to start a public conversation about brain
health and bring awareness to
diseases like Alzheimer’s.
For its second year, one hundred artists from around the
world have transformed
blank brain sculptures into beautiful, energetic and
thought-provoking pieces of
art. The sculptures
are displayed in more than 15 locations around Toronto.”
"Canada on my Mind" - Peter Mansbridge
"Luminate" - Andre Kan
"The Idea Incubator Brain or "Thinkubator" - Ted Hamer
"Unleash Your Mind" - Kara Ross
"Elastic Brain" - Joanna Strong
"Vitale" - Molly Gambardella
"Tick, Tick, Tick" - Andre Petterson
"Forget-Me-Not" - Chantal Larocque
"At dawn, the evolution of the world appeared to me" - Philippe Pallafray
"Soft Brain" - Mary Dyja
"Genius Tomorrow" - Tanya Besedina