Wednesday, 19 December 2018

You May Have Heard a Rumour …

… that Linda Kincaid was re-locating to the east coast.

Well, that rumour is true.  Ms. Kincaid has re-located to Dartmouth.

You may have heard a rumour about a road trip to Dartmouth that was suppose to happen around the same time.  And that I was part of that road trip.

Well, the rumour about the road trip and about me going were true …. at the time.

But when the time came, I was felled by a viral infection that left me ill and miserable for the better part of the month of October.  So I didn't get to make said road trip.  

Quell sadness!

So to make up for that disappointment, I am heading to Dartmouth for Christmas.  I am in Montreal right now on the first leg of my trip, waiting to catch the "overnight" train into Halifax.

As much as I am looking for to Christmas with Linda and her family, I am also going to attempt to determine once and for all, if indeed, Halifax doesn't get hit by all the east coast winter storms, and is in fact a comfortable and worry-free city in which to spent  winter!

Stay tuned for updates!

(The Montreal train station is not all that bad!  Being that it's Sunday night, there are no massive crowds, a Tim's, a Starbucks, and a Second Cup!)